Recently, this method of losing weight is gaining popularity due to its short duration and effectiveness. As the reviews show, the favorite diet allows you to get rid of 5-10 kg in just a week, depending on the starting weight. However, before you feel the results of your favorite diet, you should soberly assess your willpower and state of health, because this method of losing weight is a real test for the body.
So, the beloved diet is calculated for 7 days, during which nutrition is carried out according to a special scheme:
- 1, 3 and 6 days - Drink. Any liquid can be used in any amount, broths, kefir, low-fat milk, various teas are particularly suitable nowadays.
- Day 2 - Vegetables. As you can imagine, vegetables are allowed in any quantity on this day, but it is advisable to avoid potatoes and give preference to cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, carrots and tomatoes.
- Day 4 - Fruit. Only fruits are allowed on this day of the Beloved diet, while it is recommended to focus on natural fat burners such as kiwi, grapefruit and pineapple. Oranges and apples are also appropriate on this day.
- Day 5 - egg white. It's time to please the body with protein food, which it did not receive in the previous days of the favorite diet. Foods such as chicken, yogurt, eggs, cottage cheese, fish, nuts and peas have a high protein content in their composition.
- Day 7 - exit from the diet. An individual menu is put together for this day, which meets the requirements of a balanced diet.
In order for the results of the beloved diet to be as positive as possible, juices should not be abused on drinking days, and salads prepared on a vegetable day should be seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise. Alcohol, salt and sugar are prohibited throughout the diet.
Sample diet menu favorite 7 days
In the Beloved Diet reviews you can find many examples of menus prepared according to the recommended nutritional plan, here is one of them:
- First day. For breakfast you can drink a glass of kefir and unsweetened tea. For lunch, unsalted chicken broth is suitable - 200 g is enough. Yoghurt (150 g) is suitable as an afternoon snack, but limit yourself to a glass of milk for dinner. Unsweetened tea is allowed throughout the day.
- Second day. Breakfast on this day of the favorite diet should not be "royal", as it should be limited to vegetables, such as two tomatoes. For lunch there is a salad of cabbage, cucumbers and herbs, lightly seasoned with vegetable oil. Two cucumbers replace oneAfternoon snack, but you must dine with a salad of cucumber, peppers and herbs.
- The third day. The following drinks can be divided into 200g throughout the day: a milkshake and unsweetened tea for breakfast, milk for a second breakfast, chicken broth for lunch, kefir for an afternoon snack and milk for dinner.
- Fourth day. The long-awaited middle of the favorite diet of 7 days should be distinguished by an abundance of fruits, so two oranges for breakfast, a grapefruit for lunch, a fruit salad of oranges, apples and kiwi for lunch, an apple and a pear for afternoon tea and grapefruit forDinners are quite reasonable. .
- Fifth day. By the way, that day there are two eggs for breakfast. During the second breakfast, you can enjoy boiled fish (200 g), but for lunch, peas (100 g) and boiled chicken (150 g) are suitable. An afternoon snack can be represented by cottage cheese (100 g), and dinner - cheese in the same amount.
- Sixth day. During the day you can safely drink 200 g of the following drinks: for breakfast - kefir and unsweetened tea, second breakfast - grapefruit juice, lunch - chicken broth, afternoon snack - milkshake, dinner - milk.
- seventh day. To get off the beloved diet, a special menu is offered, after which it is necessary to eat two eggs for breakfast, washed down with a cup of green tea. The second breakfast should be limited to any fruit. For lunch, it is recommended to eat a light soup, for the preparation of which you can use rice or buckwheat. An afternoon snack is similar to a second breakfast, and for dinner it is allowed to eat a vegetable salad, while along with the addition of vegetable oil, the use of salt is allowed.
We remind you that the proposed menu is not mandatory - everyone can create their own, guided by the principles of their favorite diet.
Contraindications to the diet favorite
For 7 days, the Beloved diet will not only significantly lose weight, but also reduce the volume of the stomach and cleanse the body of toxins. However, such encouraging results of the favorite diet can be costly for people with various chronic diseases, for whom this method of losing weight is contraindicated. Fate should also not tempt people with gastritis, colitis, heart, liver or kidney disease, eating disorders, as well as those prone to emotional overeating.
If you are prone to constipation, before starting the Beloved diet, you should cleanse the bowels either by taking a laxative or by using enemas. Otherwise, the toxins remaining in the intestines will poison the body, which will manifest itself in the form of poor health and headaches.
Due to the fact that the favorite diet is quite a tough way to lose weight, it is not recommended to repeat it earlier than three months. If you need to extend it, you can simply stick with the 7th day menu for several days. In any case, so that the results of the favorite diet do not disappear, it is recommended to limit the calorie content of the food eaten within a month of its completion.