What emotions does your reflection evoke in you? Joy and a satisfied smile? "Well mother, it wouldn't hurt you to lose at least five kilos! Otherwise you can forget your favorite jeans. . . "? Or "But there used to be press cubes here. . . "?
Many people dream of losing weight quickly and preferably without much effort. Not everyone has the time and opportunity to attend a fitness club on a regular basis. And someone is just embarrassed to demonstrate his imperfect figure, afraid of sympathetic looks or ridicule behind his back. If this is just about you, arrange a home gym!
And we simplify your task - we offer the most effective exercises for the most popular problem areas and give useful tips.
Small steps to ideal weight

The human brain is lazy and cautious. As soon as he suspects that hard physical work is coming (albeit in the form of an intense fight against excess weight), he immediately uses all possible means to evade responsibility and save resources for tasks that are more important from his point of view. This is why we so often lack the perseverance and motivation to achieve the desired results. You can fight it! Kaizen will help - a simple and effective technique invented by the wise Japanese. It is actively used in enterprises - for the continuous improvement of production and management processes. In life, this technique helps to painlessly leave the comfort zone and move towards the goal without fear of obstacles.
Its essence is simple: Global goals must be broken down into sub-goals and these into tasks. This gradual progression avoids resistance and burnout.
So our goal is to lose weight. To do this, you need to follow several steps:
Bring order to your day. For a normal metabolism including intensive fat burning, the body needs a lot of rest.
Analyze your diet. Remove harmful things that you can quite do without, for example, fast food, all kinds of buns and sodas. Think of tasty and healthy foods that fill you up well and do not settle in the form of undisplayable wrinkles on the sides and stomach.
Establish a drinking regime. Without enough pure non-carbonated water, the excess weight stays with you.
Conduct self-education: read on the Internet (or other sources) how the body works, how to get rid of fat reserves and build muscle. Imagine all that.
Get a sports uniform - something in which it will be comfortable and pleasant for you to work on yourself, improve your body and protect you from accidental injuries.
Decide on a training plan. The optimal number of classes is 3-4 times a week.
Test different exercises and choose the ones that don't cause a lot of resistance (which means there's no reason to stop exercising).
Men and women lose weight differently

We all remember that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. And this difference is not the only one.
A woman's body is designed to give birth to a child. Therefore, unfortunately, beautiful ladies accumulate fat much more easily. A man's job is to catch a (conditional) mammoth to feed his family. As a result, his body is much more willing to shed fat and build muscle more easily. This point is very important in training and nutrition planning.
Another factor affecting the effectiveness of the fight against extra pounds is age.
It is easier to lose weight at the age of 18-30 than at the age of 30-35. First, metabolism slows down over time. Secondly, priorities change: a family appears, after leaving the decree, a woman, with many times increased zeal, takes part in what often turns out to be sedentary office work. There are bad habits that contribute to "hoarding".
After 40 years, experts recommend women to include in their training regimen not only cardio, but also strength exercises - they will help strengthen muscles and create a corset that will support the body at a more mature age.
Men are more robust and resistant to stress. Therefore, the training can be more intense.
Effective exercises for losing weight at home

Even if you really want to lose weight, you shouldn't put too much strain on your body - pounds that fall quickly come back quickly. And in even greater numbers. Therefore, moderation is important in any endeavor. You don't have to work hard every day! The best option is to train 3-4 times a week and give the body 1-2 days to rest and recover.
The best way to burn fat is through aerobic exercise, or what's known as cardio exercise (walking in place, raising knees or overlapping lower legs, jumping, popping out). In order not to turn into a deflated balloon, to tighten the skin, restore elasticity, cardio loads should be alternated with strength - anaerobic (frequent low jumps with a rope, working with a barbell or dumbbells, a bicycle). Overall, you should ideally do 2 strength training sessions and 1-2 cardio sessions during the week.
What exercises are good for losing weight at home? These can be both basic exercises that use the main muscle groups and the study of problem areas.
pushups. Emphasize while lying down. Straighten your arms at the elbows and place them at a 90 degree angleOto the floor. Perform push-ups without arching in the back and without sticking out the fifth point. If the full version of the exercise - straight-legged - doesn't work, you can do push-ups from the sofa or with an emphasis on your knees. 1 approach - 15-20 push-ups.
pull-ups. This requires a horizontal bar. Hands must be spread at a comfortable distance and gently and without jerks tighten the body. The chin should rise above the bar. An alternative would be to just hang from the pole.
Bend arms with dumbbells. The exercise can be done standing or sitting. Take dumbbells (or a dumbbell) in your hands, bend your arms at the elbows, bring the exercise machine to your shoulders and return your hands to their original position.
Clenching hands. Bend your elbows, bring your palms together in front of your chest. Fingers point up. With maximum effort, squeeze your palms together and stay in this position for a few minutes. Release your palms, relax your hands. Repeat exercise.
burpee. A popular, fairly complex and effective exercise that involves all muscle groups - shoulders, chest, back, abdomen, buttocks, legs. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder width apart, arms lowered along the body. Squat deep, plank in a half jump, push up once, crouch half back, and jump up, trying to reach the ceiling with your hands. The exercise is repeated several times in a row. Light version - no push-ups.
plank. Simple, at first glance, the exercise allows you to train all muscle groups. It's important to get it right. Emphasizing lying down, bend your arms at the elbows to get an emphasis on the forearms. Straighten your legs, stretch back, and place your socks on the floor. Don't arch your back, don't stick your pelvis out - hold the bar. Remain in this position from 15-20 seconds to 1-2 minutes (depending on physical fitness).
lunges. They help to properly train the muscles of the inner and front surfaces of the thigh and buttocks. Standing straight, lift your stomach, bring your shoulder blades together, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Step forward, bend the front leg to a right angle (the knee should not go past the toe), place the back leg on the back of the toe. Keep your back straight, and don't bend or bend. Back to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other leg. Do a few sets of 15 reps.
pendulum. The exercise involves the oblique muscles of the abdomen, back, buttocks and thighs. Starting position - lying on your back, the abdominal muscles are tight. Raise your legs at right angles to the floor. Stretch your arms out to the sides. On an inhale, lower your legs to the left and touch the floor. On the exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the same to the right.
twisting. The abs work. Starting position - lying on your back. Put your hands behind your head and clasp them in the lock. Pull your legs towards you. The feet can be fixed under some kind of support or ask someone to hold them. Raise the body to your knees, then return to the starting position. Do 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps.
squats. The classic exercise was borrowed from ballet dancers. The buttocks and inner thighs are actively involved in the exercise. Spread your legs wide, rotate your toes outward. Keep your back straight. As you inhale, slowly lower yourself. The thighs should be parallel to the floor. Hold down for a few seconds. At the exit, return to the starting position. Perform 4 sets of 10-15 reps.
The so-called high-intensity interval training helps to use up excess calories quickly - when 5-6 different exercises are performed in a circle, each using a specific muscle group. An example of such a complex is Tabata. The circle can include regular squats, plie squats, push-ups, a plank with knees drawn in towards your stomach, etc. Exercises are performed at a fast pace - for 20-60 seconds, followed by a break of 10-40 seconds. The shorter the break, the higher the intensity of the training. Between circles - a break of 1-1. 5 minutes.
Sports equipment - do you need it?

On the one hand, you can train at home without exercise machines and other equipment - your weight is quite enough to create the required load.
On the other hand, exercise equipment will add variety to your workout and help you train specific muscle groups better and increase efficiency. How best is up to you. We only recommend to consider:
dumbbells. They help pump biceps and triceps, serve as a load during lunges and squats. For women, dumbbells weighing 2-3 kg are enough, for men heavier - from 5 kg. Over time, the body adapts and the weight needs to be increased.
Expander or fitness band(and it is better to stop immediately with another resistance level). Diversify and complicate squats, bridges, swings, leg raises, etc.
fitball. Helps to reduce the load in case of contraindications.
Skipping rope. By changing the speed of the jumps, you can adjust the load and energy consumption.
pressure roller. It is lightweight, compact and suitable for both men and women. Helps pump the press, tighten the tummy and reduce the waist.
The main thing is no harm!

So that the pursuit of excellence does not lead to the failure of all hopes and does not cause serious injuries, you should adhere to the following elementary rules:
Every workout begins with a warm-up phase. Especially if you are a beginner athlete. Just 5-10 minutes and your muscles and joints are warmed up and ready for the workout.
Rest between sets, but don't delay - 30 seconds is enough to catch your breath.
While you're resting, drink small sips of water, especially if it's a cardio workout.
If your goal is to remove the stomach, then there is no need to endlessly pump the press and work out the sides. This is tiring and tedious quickly, allowing the workout to end as soon as it starts. Not to mention that we don't lose weight locally. The training program should include strength and cardio elements, exercises for all muscle groups, including problem areas.
No need to torture yourself! Training should bring joy, not suffering.
For exercise to be effective, you need to combine physical activity with a calorie deficit.
Are you a beginner just starting out on the self-improvement path and need support? Seek help from a professional trainer. He will help to draw up a training program, control the correctness of the exercises and adjust the diet. Or take a fitness class. Then you can help yourself and others.